Sunday, September 6, 2015

Annotated Bibliography: Part 1
Elboughdady I, Stein BE, Hassanzadeh H, An HS. 2015. Controversies and potential risk of mesenchymal stem cell application. Seminars in Spine Surgery 27(2):103-106. ScienceDirect. <>. 4 September 2015.
     This article was written to discuss the potential harmful and hurtful effects of mesenchymal stem cells. The audience is anyone looking for research and the purpose is to inform the reader. The methods used were analysis of past data. The takeaway form this article is how controversial this field still is. We are still researching the potential risks and benefits, even though this debate is almost a decade old. I will use this article to look at both sides of the debate over stem cell applications.
Fox news. Twitter post. 2015. Girl Donates Stem Cells To Save Brother. foxnews,com. <> 5 September 2015.
This article was written to highlight the bravery of a five year old girl.The purpose of this article was to share a story of bravery, and no study was conducted. The takeaway here is that stem cells are in fact useful in saving lives. This is not science fiction, and is happening in our backyard. I will use this as a 'success story' for the positive use of stem cell technology.
Katoch VM. 2015. VSELs, stem cells, or progenitors- a debate. Indian Journal of Medical Research 141(2):154. National Center for Biotechnology Information. <>. 4 September 2015.
     This article was written to discuss the usage of VSELs and other stem cells in research. The purpose is to highlight one doctors opinion, through data analysis. The takeaway here is that we are still researching all aspects of stem cell biology, and have disagreements about them throughout science. I will include this in the description of stem cells, to help the reader understand what I am discussing.
Knoepfler P. Twitter post. 2015. 5 Thought Provoking #science books.... <>. 5 September 2015.
     This article was written to draw attention to the authors newly published book about designer babies. The purpose could be to make money off of a publication. All research was done in a university lab, utilizing different labs. The takeaway here is research is still being done, so we know this field is still growing, making it interesting to anyone studying MCB. I will use it to help underline the difference between helpful and harmful applications of stem cells.
Stein R. 2015. Critics Lash Out At Chinese Who Edited DNA In Human Embryo. Shots, Health News From NPR. <> 4 September 2015.
     This article was written to highlight the horrors of genetic modification of embryos. The purpose was to inform the public of new modification techniques, and no methods were used. The takeaway from this article is we need to be careful what we do with our scientific approaches. I will use this article to discuss applications of stem cell biology.
Zolfagharifard E, Gray R, Spencer B. Scientists Genetically Modify Human Embryos For The First Time: Controversial Technique Could Lead To Designer Babies. <>. 4 September 2015.
     This article was written to discuss a new way to edit the human genome. This article is like the NPR article, it is a tool to inform the public. No research information is being used. The audience of this article is anyone interested in shocking science stories. The takeaway from this article is that there can be harm in scientific breakthoughs. I plan on using this article to highlight the dangers of stem cell research.

     After reading my classmates blogs, I realized I am on the right track for where my annotated bibliography is going. For example, Michael's blog used a similar style of AMA to write his bibliography. He and I both had longer annotations, which made me feel confident that I was doing something right. 
     Another classmates blog I read was Alaina's blog. She used CSE like me. However, she found a way to properly cite tweets and other internet media, that I could not find. It is great to see I wasn't the only one struggling a little. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The citations are overall consistent with the exception of the Twitter sources which from personal experience are trickier to cite. I am guessing that this is CSE style? If it is CSE, I think each one needs an access date as shown by this website The annotations answer the questions and are very succinct, but do give snippets of the sources without analyzing it too much which is good.

  3. I used CSE style as well and all your citations seem to be formatted correctly and similarly if not exactly like mine. I do agree with Michael that there should be a "date accessed" somewhere in the citation. Easybib doesn't have CSE citations, but I used and it worked really well, especially for citing webpages.
