Sunday, September 13, 2015

QRG: The Genre
     A 'Quick Reference Guide' is not an encyclopedia entry like I initially thought it was. Rather, it is a longer web entry that allows anyone to become an expert on any topic. From Puerto-Rican economics to stem cells, these guides all offer the you what you need to sound like a genius.

What Are The Conventions of a QRG?

     A quick reference guide normally starts out by asking a question about the topic. The first paragraphs explain what we will be reading about in the guide. Next, each idea or topic in the guide is broken down using subtitles and sub headers, making it easy for the reader to follow what is happening in the text. The writer uses basic language, and clearly defines any foreign word. The conventions of this writing style are determined by his/her field of interest. Many political quick reference guides are organic and flow from one topic to the next. Many of the scientific ones almost stick to a rigid structured pattern.

Why read a QRG?

     Quick reference guides are exactly as they sound. They are a guide for you to reference about a particular topic, but are not meant to draw on and on about. It should only take about ten to fifteen minutes for you to read and understand. The purpose of these guides are to educate you quickly and effectively on a certain topic.

How do QRGs effectively educate people?

     These guides utilize a lot of imagery to educate their readers. Especially in complex scientific guides, many diagrams are used to show you what your author is trying to say. In economic or political guides, pictures are used to back up what the author is trying to portray to the reader. I believe they utilize images in this way to make it more engaging for the reader. All the authors tend to write to the same demographic. This demographic is a person who wants to learn quickly about a topic, and has no background information on the said topic.
This is the link to my QRG draft.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You hit all the conventions of a QRG, and even introduced some other ones that I didn't pick up on. I for the most part agree with your audience statement, since it is for any person that has no prior knowledge; however, I added in that typically people do not go out of their way to learn something they aren't interested in. I just kind of added in that people that's interests were peaked by the topic were usually the audience, but even then, I still agree with your statement. In reality, anyone has the ability to read the QRG's. I think your post was concise and to the point, nice work! :)

  3. I like how you set your post up, it was easy to follow and read and was simple! You explained the conventions of a quick reference guide very well! I like that you said that it is broken down into subtitles which makes it easier for readers to follow. The only thing I would suggest for this post is adding information about pictures used in QRG's! Other than that, great job!

  4. Your post was easy to follow and understand, also, you picked up on convention of asking a new question that I didn't. Good work.
