Monday, October 5, 2015

Group Rhetorical Analysis of Girl Culture

     Rhetorical analysis is a great way to analyze a situation, but can be hard to do alone with a topic as broad as girl culture. Therefore, we analyzed it as group. Our group's summary of the Girl Culture Essay can be found by following this link. I chose to rewrite the paragraph about the objectification of women. In my words, it would have gone something along these lines.

Objectification of Women in Girl Culture

     Even in today's culture, with the forward thinking of the feminist movement and the acceptance of all people, women are still being objectified. It appears to be getting worse as we try to fight for women's rights and level the playing field. Anyone from teenage boys to political candidates will find a way to discredit and dehumanize women, simply because it's still an integrated part of our culture. 
     Don't believe me? Look at the media, movies, TV shows, and especially video games. The Gamer-gate scandal is a prime example of how teenage boys will objectify and dehumanize women, because it is 'funny' and 'just part of society'. Movies like Entourage or TV shows like Game of Thrones sometimes have a way of making women less of an equal, and more of a sexual object. Even people running to be the President of the United States will objectify women, because they feel it helps them bond with their decomposing white male audience. It's sickening, and Lauren Greenfield shows us through her photography how common it is every day.
     Lauren does an excellent job portraying the 'male view' of her subjects. By this, I mean she finds a way to show how girls are being treated, through the eyes of a man. Whether its a tall blonde women walking through New York fighting off men cat calling to her, or teenage boys oggoling over a risque magazine at a party, Lauren shows how men objectify women, instead of respecting them as people. This theme seems to penetrate all walks of life, regardless of how you were raised or which culture you were raised in. 
     In the paragraphs I rewrote for the analysis of Girl Culture, I utilized SOAPSTone in the following ways. First of all, the speaker I identified was Lauren Greenfield, the photographer. The occasion for this paragraph was women growing up in the late 90's trying to fit in with the United States definition of normal. The audience of these paragraphs are people who recognize the sickening fact of life, that men are objectifying women more and more as life goes on. The purpose of this analysis is to inform the public about the problem of objectifying women. The subject is everyone who objectifies women.  The tone of my paragraph is serious, but not dissertation-level serious. 

I commented on Kat's blog and Kian's blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love the phrase "decomposing white male audience" --lol--but I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Do you mean literally decomposing, as in zombies? Metaphorically decomposing, as in white male culture is dead and decaying? Or did you mean something else completely?
