Saturday, October 10, 2015

#LikeAGirl SOAPSTone Essay
     After I watched #LikeAGirl, this is my analysis of these commercials. The speaker in these commercials is the photojournalist and director Lauren Greenfield. She is known for her many publications about how women are treated in today's culture, from her photo-essay Girl Culture to her documentary Thin. The occasion this is written for is to treat doing something 'like a girl' not as an insult, but rather as something to aspire to. Greenfield makes this point when she asks girls if they want to 'redo' running like a girl. The audience for this commercial is young women, and any women watching the Super Bowl. It has also become a commercial that plays before random YouTube videos, so it has reached all audiences that do not utilize AdBlocker. The purpose of this video is to change the mindset of society, and maybe even making 'run like a girl' synonymous with 'winning the race'. The tone of this commercial is lighthearted, then it becomes very serious. We realize how we treat girls not only effects their outlook on life, but ruins their confidence as well.

1 comment:

  1. The speaker is Always, the company that sponsored the commercials. Think about the audience more specifically- commercials are crafted to a very specific audience. This was aired during the Superbowl.
