Friday, October 2, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

     Monday in Dr. Bell’s class, we reflected on our writing process and how we got to the end result. For me, this was a bumpy road that started off smooth sailing. I learned how to integrate new skills and tools, but also brought my own cards to the table.
     One tool I learned how to use well was Google Scholar. I used this search engine to find about 85% of all my sources. It was so much easier to find articles for a science major than a database like JSTOR, at a fraction of the cost. Another tool I explored was a visual mapping software called This website actually helped me in this class, and in Chemistry, so that was a major plus. I know I need to improve my skills when it comes to staying on topic. I felt like my essay was so broad, that I either gave too much information, or just didn’t say enough.
     Communication? That doesn’t occur as often as it should in my field. I learned there is lots of disconnect between the public and scientists, as well as science and ethicists. There is even some disconnect between scientists. I don’t understand how scientists get thing accomplished, because it is nearly impossible for them to keep their stories straight. A lot of the time, it seems like science has a general consensus when it comes to a certain topic, then another group comes around and completely levels the playing field. I find it quite destructive to the community, and it confuses the heck out of the public. 
     I have greatly improved my writing over this one assignment. For one, I stayed on topic more than ever before in this essay. I found it easy to discuss the topic, as well as the rhetoric (or lack thereof) throughout my field. 
     For my next assignment, I plan on staying on top of my blogs all the way through the assignment. That was the hardest thing for me. I don't normally draft, draft, draft, reflect on my drafts, and draft some more. The blog allows for creativity to occur within the weeks before the deadline, not the night of the deadline. I know I can get myself to adapt to this multiple draft writing style, its just something I am not used to. 
     The most important thing I have learned about my writing is that it takes time and effort to develop a well written paper.

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