Saturday, October 10, 2015

HONY Observations/Inference

Speaker interested in portraits, he is young and has many motivations
 He works well with many types of people, would be great at learning many people's stories.
Sporadic, impulsive, risk-taker, down to earth
Could not hold down traditional job, needed something more organic
 Not just pictures of faces
Respecting other individuals preference
 Expands past America
Shows us that there are issues on the same scale as New York in other countries. 
 Draws in a large audience
Audience is excited/ engaged in his photography
     By far the most interesting part of HONY in my opinion is the stories told. From the portraits, we can assume some things about these people. For instance, anyone dressed in rag clothing and has an unshaved face we may assume is just a homeless person, probably an addict or mentally unstable person. In reality, we are just labeling these people without actually learning about their lives, or their story. Brandon allows for this gap to be filled by sharing their story as well. He also has visited other countries and documented similar stories in Iran and Syria.  If I were to use HONY for my essay, I would analyze Brandon and compare his use of people in Iran to people in New York.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spencer, you don't have enough entries in your observation/inference chart to write a paper on. Try observing in much more detail, and looking at HONY's craft choices more closely. You are looking for enough data points to start noticing patterns. IF you are going to write on how he compares New York and Iran, then you need to make a much more detailed chart about those pictures.
